New Episodes Every Tuesday & Friday


Jan. 8, 2020

Post Shift Shot #22 - Cocktail Culture is Still a Niche

This week, i discuss something that I have tried to articulate for some time in the way that we get caught in our own little bubble through social media and our network and forget that cocktail culture is still such a small portion of the market. Join us every Tuesday…

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Jan. 8, 2020

Post Shift Shot #31 - Traveling Bartenders Tips and Tricks

I headed to Facebook and tackled tips and tricks for traveling bartenders while I was based in Singapore this year. Another huge response post that got some great feedback. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents…

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Jan. 7, 2020

Post Shift Shot #43 - Drink Trends of 2020

My love/hate relationship for drink trends list evolved into a podcast. What are your favorite trends from the list? What am I missing? Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents from around the world including bartenders,…

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Jan. 6, 2020

Post Shift Shot #30 - Dealing with Negativity

Some negativity took the wind out of my sails this last couple of weeks, so as always; I give my way that I deal with it. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents from around the…

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Jan. 6, 2020

Post Shift Shot #35 - Gratification over Gratitude

This week, it's time for some self-reflection and learning to chase gratification over gratitude. Being an entrepreneur or a leader in your field can be lonely AF but if you work hard for the right reasons, it is extremely rewarding. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry…

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Jan. 5, 2020

Post Shift Shot #33 - Entrepreneurship

Listened to an amazing podcast, Bartender at Large with Erick Castro and Simon Ford; it was raw and unabashed. I wanted to tell my story and give some real advice on the world of entrepreneurship, I don't class myself as an entrepreneur at all; I am in the business of…

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Jan. 5, 2020

Post Shift Shot #32 - How did you get your start?

Had an absolute killer time in Bangkok last week, I am late this week but check out this Facebook Post and is what sparked this whole podcast. Be patient, take your time and build on foundations is the main take aways. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning…

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Dec. 31, 2019

Post Shift Shot #42 - Social Media Marketing for Restaurants

Social Media is slowly becoming a part of my business and I believe that if you look at the questions ask you personally about what you have been up to and you post something on your personal social media once every couple of days and they don't know then how…

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Dec. 24, 2019

Post Shift Shot #41 - 3 Levels of Mentorship

It's the second last podcast for the year, so I am pulling a few threads of episode from this year and quantifying them into mentorship. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents from around the world…

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Dec. 17, 2019

Post Shift Shot #40 - Podcasts and Audio Books

It's coming time to Xmas and the holiday season, so I decided to chat about an educational element I have been working with as of late and that's audio. I am loving audiobooks and podcasts and think that more people should listen to them. Join us every Tuesday & Friday…

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Dec. 10, 2019

Post Shift Shot #39 - Reflecting on Failures and Embracing Success

I have done this a lot this year, I have talked about it, mentored about it and more but it is something that I need to harp on more and more. If you are an entrepreneur or just a regular person in life, failure is something that is going to…

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Dec. 3, 2019

Post Shift Shot #38 - Succession Plans

A post from last week about succession plans for long term restaurant owners spurred me to get some information down in audio. You don't need to leave your dream behind to retire, you can have both with the right strategic plan in place. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as…

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Nov. 28, 2019

Post Shift Shot #37 - You Hold the Remote Control of your Life

This week we get a little raw about how to control things in your life. It's up to you to chase happiness and you always control everything that direct effects you. Own your life, you only have one. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn…

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Nov. 20, 2019

Post Shift Shot #36 - Be the Pie not the Slice

This week we talk about the market you are in, becoming the driving force on making the market bigger over just taking a slice of it. some good points about market saturation, education and my take on awards and media. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry…

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Oct. 29, 2019

Post Shift Shot #34 - HR and Training

It's been a while but I am back with some work I have been working on with a couple of companies. Human Resources as businesses expand is something that sometimes goes to the wayside. Here are a few pointers. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart,…

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July 29, 2019

Post Shift Shot #26 - Training

My takeaways and five steps in training your staff. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents from around the world including bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry supporters. Get points of view, advice and the backstories…

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July 23, 2019

Post Shift Shot #21 - Support Network

Getting ahead is all fine and dandy but having a support network of positive and supportive people. Keep the negative peeps out of your life. Join us every Tuesday & Friday as award winning industry stalwart, Shawn Soole interviews some of the hospitality industries top talents from around the world…

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July 23, 2019

Post Shift Shot #20 - Singapore Episode #1

Join me as I open up Miss Fitz in Singapore. Challenges and successes. TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and imbibed hospitality for decades. Now, he…

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July 23, 2019

Post Shift Shot #25 - Legacy

Someone asked me why I podcast, I didn't really have a solid reason at the time but over the last week or two, I realize it's for Legacy. What's your legacy going to be? TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top…

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May 10, 2019

Post Shift Shot #18 - Thank you

This is a quick episode giving gratitude to everyone who has supported me with BC Spirits, SHC and more. Thank you TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived,…

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May 7, 2019

Post Shift Shot #17 - Playing The Long Game

I have chatted about patience, owning your mistake and it all leads to the long game. TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and imbibed hospitality for…

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May 1, 2019

Post Shift Shot #16 - Owning your Mistakes

A short and sweet episode about coming to terms with owning your mistakes, it's liberating. TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and imbibed hospitality for decades.…

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April 23, 2019

Post Shift Shot #15 - The Art of Resilience

I go a little bit in depth this week about how to change your thought patterns, forgetting about people's perceptions and how to bounce back after you get hit hard. TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue…

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April 16, 2019

Post Shift Shot #14 - Democratic Drink Design

Let's chat about house specs, the 3D's which is democratic drink design and knowledge inclusivity in your bar team. TEXT ME on COMMUNITY - +1 250 999-4182 Share a dram with the hospitality industry’s top global talents: bartenders, venue owners, distillers and industry aficionados. Shawn Soole has lived, breathed, and…

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